Autarch Aurelstar, the Lady Telriah

"I never asked for this, no more than I asked to be king. Yet dare I disregard her? We do not choose our destinies. Yet we must ... we must do our duty, no? Great or small, we must do our duty."
-Stannis Baratheon, A Storm of Swords

Sharlayan Sorceress - Business Owner

(Mateus, Crystal Datacenter)

Name: Telriah (Tell-Rye-Ah) Aurelstar (Ore-uh-STUH)
Aliases: The Librarian, Black Sword of Ul'Dah, the Violet Flame
Titles: Violet Lynx of Ishgard; the Lady Aurelstar; The Sharlayan Lynx
Age: Around 24 years
Nameday: 26th Sun, 3rd Umbral Moon
Birthplace: Ul'Dah, Thanalan
Race: Midlander, Half-Elezen
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 146 lbs
Sexuality: Unknown, Unsaid

Occupation: Owner of the Ember Adventuring Co | Autarch of the Astral Glaive
Skills: Thaumaturgy, Astromancy, Conjury, Swordsmanship, Business Management

Beautiful, eye-catching, resplendent. All these could be said of Telriah, and more. When first spying Telriah, one often catches her elongated, pointed ears, a telltale sign of her half-blood nature, a woman born of the union betwixt Elezen and Hyur. She chooses to adorn them with golden latticed cuffs, drawing further attention to them, and away from the gray tinging in her vibrant red hair. Atop her head also lay two golden accessories that help to keep her hair in place, and to draw attention as well within a crowd.

New noticeable additions that make her quite distinctive in a crowd are her tattoos, and makeup. A light red lipstick with violet and gold eyeshadow highlights her facial features, whilst runed tattoos mark her cheeks. When in the presence of anything related to the Void, they begin to glow, and pulse vibrantly. Along with this, her eyes have a noticeable cat-like slit, instead of a normal pupil, and the rest of the iris appears to have starry sparkles within.

She bears a height that is taller than the normal female Midlander, attributed to her Elezen genetics, and her figure is one that bears significant curvature as well. An hourglass given flesh as people often say behind her back, though it does not look out of place, as her height distributes this rather evenly. She holds no scars on her person, save one at her abdomen that originates from a stab wound she acquired in a tournament.

In terms of attire, Telriah can often be found in varying shade of violet, accent with either gold thread, or white furs. If dressed for the field, she dons either a black jacket and thigh high boots, or a more ritualistic white coat, adorned with beads, gems and pouches for all her reagents, and knee high boots. More often than not, you'll find her in her more business-esque attire, a long coat that provides both warmth and protection.

Cold, Calculating, Untouchable. Often, these three words are cited when talking of the Lady Aurelstar and her personality. In truth, this is how she acts to outsiders, holding a facade that shows she is not one to be messed with, that when it comes to business, she truly does mean it. Often expressionless and emotionless whilst discussing business dealings, it is truly frightening if she starts to show any form of expression or emotion.

Opposite of that, she can truly be a friendly and welcoming person, giving all smiles and a happy face to those she deems to be her friends, companions, and her employees. However, the smiles are all lies, for it is often said that the happiest people are often the saddest on the inside, and this is no less true for Telriah. Wracked with depression, anxiety, and all manners of guilt, the happiness she shows is nothing more than a lie that she tells to herself and others.

Several things to note is her inability to properly interact socially with strangers, avoiding eye contact most of the time, or forcing herself to make eye contact, the latter of which is very obvious to witness. Her interests of study are also severely restricted to a few topics, of which she obsesses over and tries to keep on topic when they come up in conversation. She has an ability to focus on tasks even if stressed out or under pressure, as well as paying attention to detail. Her routine throughout the day is kept nearly the same, and it can be observed that any breaking of this routine will lead to a noticeable discomfort from her demeanor, the same of which will happen due to certain stimuli, mainly smells that she dislikes.

Sharlayan Upperclass

A reluctant noble, Telriah is the next-to-last of her bloodline; What hope for the future of her family lies solely upon her shoulders. It is a heavy burden, one which at the forefront she seems to ignore, but deep down, haunts her. Lady of the Starhold, and Autarch of an order of Voidsent Hunters, she has a lot on her plate that she is loathe to divy up to others to help her.Not one to show off her wealth, the income of these lands oft goes back to the people who sow them, returning it as an 'investment' to bring further prosperity to the region. What isn't used often goes to charities across Eorzea.Recently, Telriah has come into the knowledge that the other half of her family holds high standing in Sharlayan, via her mothers side, and that through them lies an ancient clause written at the time of a marriage betwixt the Voixonseiller's of Sharlayan, and Aurelstars of Ishgard.This clause has seen the release of her family from the service of Ishgard, and into the hands of the Sharlayan forum, with concessions being granted; Namely, not being beholden to the law and tradition of non-interference, given the stark circumstances that Telriah was born, and lives under, along with the facet of her order of Voidsent hunters.

Chief Librarian of the EAC

For six years, Telriah has been the head of the EAC following her fathers passing at the dreaded, fateful Battle of Cartenau. Prior to her taking control, the two years inbetween, the Board of Directors saw that she was given the education needed to inherit and run the company. In the present, Telriah now heads up the Research Department of the EAC, as well as tending to the paperwork of the company with aid from her registrar, V'tsuya Hasegawa.While still able to be outfitted for field work, she often leads field expeditions in the name of research, and not the normal jobs one might expect for an adventurer.

General Trivia

  • Telriah was raised in Ul'Dah by her father, who left Ishgard to avoid her being brought up in such an unstable environment.

  • Due to her upbringing, she doesn't care much for her personal wealth, and generally overpays for items, or gives expensive items away as gifts to friends. Aside from those, a lot of her personal wealth goes to charities to help the poor and destitute.

  • She's able to see the aether of people, and how it flows around them.

  • Experienced in alchemy & goldsmithing she's capable of identifying most alchemic materials and other items needed for the fabrication of magical foci.

  • She has two primary companions; A Gaelicat named Almacrax, a familiar she accidentally summoned, and her robotic assistant, Bolt.

  • While capable of playing the violin and singing, she only does the former in her bedroom, which is warded to prevent sound from leaving. This is because playing it makes her cry, as it's all she has left to remember her mother aside from her necklace.

  • She will sing infront of others if prodded enough, or if she trusts them enough.

  • She is very, very volatile if broken down enough to let her emotions be free.


  • If paying close attention, they may notice that her hands are very twitchy and jittery, easily noticeable when she adjusts her ear cuffs.

  • She wears gloves for a reason- Her nails aren't really the best to look at.

  • Always has makeup on. Purple eyeshadow with gold accents, and violet lipstick.

Quirks & Personality Traits

  • Her speech is is always monotone, lacking emotion or expression.

  • Rarely does she show emotion or any form of experssion on her face.

  • Easily discomforted by others touching her or getting in her personal space.

  • Avoids eye contact where possible, otherwise forces herself to make eye contact.

  • Is very introverted, and tries to avoid social encounters where possible.

  • Has an unhealthy obsession with finishing tasks, even if it means avoiding basic necessary functions such as sleeping and eating.


  • Ancient History

  • Magical Theory

  • Magitek

  • Namazu

  • Tea

  • Opium


  • Chaos

  • Alcohol

  • Messiness

  • Being touched

Roleplay Hooks

Memories of the Past

  • Were you, past or present, a member of the Immortal Flames or other Grand Company? You may recognize her from when she served as a Captain in the Immortal Flames.

  • Per the above, you may recognize her as the "Black Sword of Ul'Dah"

  • If you lived in Ul'Dah prior to Cartenau, and continued after, you may recognize her as the child of Lothin Embershield, a popular figure who employed Ala Mhigan refugees in his Adventuring Company.

Nobility / Upper Class

  • Prior to the Final Days, she was a Baroness of Ishgard, and served on the House of Lords. You may recognize her, or interacted with her.

  • Any younger male too far down the line of inheritance may recognize the name as a very good candidate for marriage. She may be Sharlayan, and no longer a noble of Ishgard, but winning her hand in marriage would still be worth the effort.

Sorcery / Magic

  • Telriah is a well known graduate of the Thaumaturges Guild, as well as a master of Conjury and Astromancy. If you're seeking a teacher, she would be the one to find.

  • She specializes in talking to spirits of the dead, and performing rituals to help them return to rest. If you need help with spirits, seek her out!

  • An expert in hunting Voidsent, containing them, and preventing possession. If you require aid with a Voidsent, she's the one to find. Alternatively, you may have a target on her, if you're trying to summon Voidsent into the world.

  • Per above, she leads an order of Voidsent hunters that operate under the Sharlayan Forum. The Order of the Astral Glaive; If you wish to join, seek her out. But be warned, joining is not so easy.

An Astral Rose

Expeditions & Field Trips

Black Sword of Ul'Dah

  • Telriah is my main, and who I am on the most. If I'm not on her, I'm probably on one of my alts; Caessinia Aurelius, Radomir Drakavisch, or Kelendri Silverfane

  • As an OOC aside, it can be noted in the way Telriah is written and interacted with that she has a mild case of Aspergers.

  • This should go without saying, but my consent must be given before you attempt ot harm my character, or try to kill them.

  • While permission is not required to flirt with Telriah, or try to romance her, I wish to make it clear on this page that I will not ERP under any circumstances. It discomforts me, and shuts down my want and drive to RP.

  • To the above, I will note that I will dabble in the darker themes every now and then, such as violence, horror, or occult themes.

  • The Layout & Build of this Carrd was inspired from a few sources, such as that of Saoirse's.

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